"The Great City Police"
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"The Great City Police"
p5387305 (Collage 20349)
London Metropolitan Archives: Satirical Print Collection
The City of London Police force was created by an Act of Parliament in 1839. It pre-empted an attempt to merge the City's existing policing provisions with the Metropolitan Police which had existed since 1829 and had jurisdiction over the rest of Central London.

The giants Gog and Magog are the traditional guardians of the City of London. Figures of them have been carried in the Lord Mayor’s Show procession since the early fifteenth century and statues of them are displayed in the City’s Guildhall. The print shows Gog on the left and Magog on the right. They are dressed as two City of London policemen sitting at a small table. Gog wears a top hat, carries a clay pipe and has his left hand around a large drinking glass. Magog leans back in his chair with his arms folded. The City of London coat of arms is displayed on the tablecloth.
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