Interior of a house in Trinity Church Square
Interior of a house in Trinity Church Square
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Interior of a house in Trinity Church Square
SC_PHL_01_377_64_4495 (Collage 116353)
London Metropolitan Archives: LCC Photograph Library
A ground-floor view of 29 Trinity Church Square, Newington, looking north-west towards a panelled door leading to the entrance hall of the house, and a three paned transom light. The door and light have been inserted in the passage to provide a separate dwelling within the house. A rimlatch lock and a knocker are missing from the door but a bolt remains. A column with an Ionic chapiter but unfluted shaft appears to support a structural beam. A window on the right has panelled shutters in place. Number 29 was the largest house in Trinity Church Square (Trinity Square until the 1930s), the footprint of the building including the conservatory being about four times the area of any other. From the front it appeared to be the same size, but it occupied the corner plot to the side adjacent to number 30 and extended much further to the rear. The first resident was William Chadwick, the developer of all the houses around the square bar three earlier ones. In the 1930s to the 1960s the house was part of the Trinity Residential Club, a gentlemen's club, after which it fell into the state seen. The house was replaced in 1970 with a block of seven flats retaining only the facade.
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