"The Siamese Youths... at the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly"
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"The Siamese Youths... at the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly"
SC_GL_ENT_008 (Collage 323393)
London Metropolitan Archives: Entertainments Scrapbook
Poster advertising an exhibition at the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly showing an illustration of Chang Bunker and Eng Bunker, two conjoined twin brothers. Chang and Eng were widely exhibited as ‘curiosities’ globally. Their fame propelled the expression "Siamese twins" to become synonymous for conjoined twins in general. Born in what is now Thailand, the brothers were brought to the United States in 1829. The same year they exhibited in London, for which they received a share of the profit. At the time they were described as “two youths of eighteen, natives of Siam, united by a short band at the pit of the stomach - two perfect bodies, bound together by an inseparable link." They returned to London again in 1869.
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